Palm Reading Perspectives

Multi-Perspective Palm Reading: About Hands & how to make a Hand-Diagnosis

Discover the fundamentals of DMIT – The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test!

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Concept of the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test!

The ‘Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test’, also known as DMIT, can be described as an appealing commercial product which suggests that ‘Multiple Intelligences’ can be assessed from dermatoglyphics & fingerprints. During the past years DMIT became a popular niche in some Asian countries with the use of smart marketing techniques focussed on especially young parents, who are often insecure about their child’s future.

Is DMIT really the reliable & valide test that it claims to represent?

This brand new article helps you to discover the fundamentals of DMIT + the work of the people behind this clever marketing palm reading product; however, you can also read about  how DMIT got banned in some regions around the world:

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (DMIT): a fundamental review!

Enjoy the reading, and please do feel free to share your thoughts in response!!!

Radial loop fingerprints provide a clue for Down syndrome!

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Multi-Perspective Palm Reading demonstrates how fingerprint types can become a significant tool in finding diseases and other genetically determined characteristics in an individual. This article demonstrates how radial loop fingerprints can be used for recognizing Down syndrome (trisomy 21).

Even though radial loop fingerprints are less commonly see in people who have Down syndrome (radial loops are more commonly seen in the general population), the rather a-typical distribution of radial loops across the fingers of Down syndrome patients provides a very significant clue!

This is due to the fact that radial loops usually tend to manifest on the index finger and/or middle finger. In the gneral population almost 80% of radial loop fingerprints tend to be found on the index finger (2nd finger).

However, in Down syndrome radial loops tend to manifest on the ringer finger of pinky (about 75% of radial loops in Down syndrome are spotted on these fingers) – see the picture at the top of this article.

NOTICE: Despite these facts one should always be aware that a single radial loop in isolation from the rest of the hand is a meaningless marker. Even in perfectly healthy intelligent people one can sometimes find a radial loop on the ring finger or pinky. This implicates that a consideration of other perspectives of the hand (especially hand shape & finger length morphology) is always required in order to associate a radial loop fingerprint in an individual with Down syndrom!



The picture below describes some other typical hand markers in Down syndrome (fingerprints can only provide a clue).

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

August 13, 2013 at 12:40 am

Body temperature points out: ulnar side of hand corresponds more with externalized body parts!

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Palm reading theories have disputed the nature of the thumb. Since the first half of the 20th century a stream in Western palm reading became noticable where the thumb became associated with ‘will)’ and internalized functions, and the pinky became associated with ‘communication’ and externalized functions. This also explains why German palm readers began to describe the radial side of the hand as the ‘Ich-seite’ [I-side], and the ulnar side as the ‘Dich-seite’ [You-side].

Interestingly, there is growing evidence that this German approach was build on solid grounds. Because body anatomy and body temperature distribution show that the thumb indeed correlates with the central body core, and this approach has also been adopted in Western hand reflexology where the thumb is associated with the spine (which represents the core of the human body), and the pinky and ulnar side of the hand are associated with the more externalized body parts such as the legs, arms, shoulders & ears – the charts at the bottom present the details.

During the past few years more direct evidence became available as well.

Because two decades of digit ratio studies have pointed out that the results typically point out that high 2D:4D digit ratios (where the ring finger is more dominant) usually get associated with ‘externalizing behavior’, and low 2D:4D digit ratios (where the index finger is more dominant) usually get associated with ‘internalizing behavior’. This implicates that various studies have pointed out that the ring finger at the ulnar side of the hand has a stronger connection with extraversion & ‘externalizing behavior’, while the index finger at the radial side of the hand has a stronger connection with introversion & ‘internalizing behavior’.

More related details are summarized in these 2 articles:
The thumb correlates with introvert- and internalizing behavior! [your inner world]
Hand reflexology: the thumb corresponds with the (internal) spine! 


Written by martijnvanmensvoort

June 25, 2013 at 5:30 pm

Hand shape gives a clue about Genes, Chromosomes & DNA!

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Hand shape gives a clue about Genes, Chromosomes & DNA!

Hand shape is often presumed to represent the domain of the palmist; however, the truth is that our hand shape actually represents a clue about our genes, chromosomes and DNA!

The plot below describes how human hand shape & finger length proportions typically display genetic & chromosomal characteristics, which play a key-role in the variations between human individuals.

IMPORTANT: A precise assessment of hand shape requires a measurement of three aspects of the hand, including: (1) finger length [via the longest digit], (2) palm breadth, and (3) palm length.

More details:

Human hand shape correlates with genetic & chromosomal characteristics.

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

June 21, 2013 at 12:17 am

Primatology palm reading!

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Primatology palm reading demonstrates how hand structure + function relate to capabilities & behavior. The ‘Primate Hands Family Tree’ (see picture above) describes the typical hand characteristics seen in the major primate subfamilies and the individual species.

For example, the so-called ‘prosimians’ (lower primates) have a completely different hand structure than seen in the so-called ‘simians’ (higher primates – including human kind).  Because in ‘prosimians’ the 4th digit is typically the longest of all 5 digits, while in ‘simians’ the 3rd digit is typically the longest.

But there is so much more to tell about the hand structure in primates. For example, there is a clear pattern in the male-female hand difference (males tend to have relatively longer fingers + wider palms than females), and the typical hand features seen in gorillas & baboons – who are both known as the most violent primate species!

And interestingly… the Primate Hands Family Tree also gives us a better understanding of the nature of the 2D:4D digit ratio (far most primates species have a much lower ratio than seen in human kind) and the fascinating dermatoglyphic ‘whorl’ patterns (in nearly all primate species ‘whorls’  are more common than in us humans).

The article ‘Primate Palm Reading‘ includes a summary of many interesting facts about the evolutionary basis of modern palm reading – including 20+ fascinating illustrations!



Written by martijnvanmensvoort

March 27, 2013 at 1:22 am

Hand Assessment Chart: A palm reading profile via 36 hand features!

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Aristole described: ‘the hand is the organ of the organs’. Later, in medical science the hand became recognized to represent the most differentiated external part of the body. This implicates that an assessment of the hand is a rather complex (arbitrary) task. In order to simplify the task an ‘assessment chart’ was developed based on the principles described by Multi-Perspective Palm Reading.

The ‘assessment chart’ (see above) presents an overview of 36 key-features of the hand, the significance of all individual hand markers involved has been confirmed in scientific studies – though the significance of course varies and depends on the theme for which a hand feature is used to make a (hand) assessment.

The chart is divided in 8 sections, one for each of the 7 hand dimensions (including: dermatoglyphics, finger length, lines, motorics, nails, shape & skin) – NOTICE: the dimension ‘dermatoglyphics’ is divided in a sub-section describing the fingerprints + a sub-section describing palmar dermatoglyphics.

Learn more about the background, purpose & principles of Multi-Perspective Palm Reading!

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

February 9, 2013 at 1:02 am

A ‘Hand Model’ for recognizing Extraverts & Introverts!

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Hand model for recognizing Extraversion (extraverts) & Introversion (introverts).

The large majority of people (80%) can best be described displaying a mixture of ‘extravert’ and ‘introvert’ behaviors. However, about 10% of people tend to show consistent ‘extravert’ behavior (and a likewise percentage show ‘introvert’ behavior). Can the tendency towards extraversion and introversion be recognized from the hands of an individual?

A Dutch study (some results have already been reported in earlier posts) suggests the answer is: yes!

The picture above displays a ‘Hand Model for Extraversion’, which results from a multi-perspective hand study including 27 extraverts and 21 introverts (all Dutch citizens). The results e.g. point out:

“A discriminative analysis has pointed out that the ‘Hand Model for Extraversion’ can identify 85.4% of the subjects (41 out of 48) correctly as a HIGH of LOW scorer.”

More details:

6 Hand Signs for Extraverions / Introversion


Surprizing results?

Various earlier studies have reported results that now appear to make sense in the perspective of this new ‘Hand Model for Extraversion’:

– Sheldon’s ‘ectotonic’ somatotype is associated with introversion  (a summary is presented HERE)

– Low 2D:4D digit ratio has been associated with extraversion & sensation seeking (conflicting results have been reported over the years)

– Simian crease has been associated with introversion (more details HERE)

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

January 13, 2013 at 6:12 pm

Smart Consulting Service: what else can hands reveal beyond heart rate & temperature?

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Every year almost 3 billions visitors are welcomed in chinese hospitals. Smart Consulting Service presents an alternative virtual solution in order to improve and optimize the doctors-patients contact. The service e.g. includes an assessment of heart rate and temperature via the hands. What else will the future bring?

Smart Consulting Service has been designed to reconcile patients and doctors. The service is located at the hospital’s entrance, it allows people to register and pre-consult themselves before seeing a doctor. Except for providing advice and guidance, the human-sized virtual assistant will guide patients through the pre-consulting process, all the way from there personal informations to there health recommendations. A touchable display, micro and camera’s technology will detect people’s disease and diagnose their vital signs. Once the pre-diagnosis step complete, the service will guide patient to make an appointment with the appropriate or favorite doctor. Smart consulting service will send patient’s health information and first-hand diagnosis to there assigned doctor, therefore making the consulting process more efficient and enjoyable.

The video below demonstrates how Smart Consulting Service works in China.

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

December 6, 2012 at 4:25 pm

Hand shape & personality: extraverts have wider palms, introverts have longer fingers!

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Measurements on the hands of male and female extroverts indicate that wide palms + short fingers (typical for a ‘Fire hand shape’) is a typical combination seen in the hands of Extraverts (= high scorers on the Big Five personality dimension Extraversion). And long fingers + narrow palms (typical for a ‘Water hand shape’) are much more often seen in the hands of Introverts (= low scorers).

Interestingly, these multiple-perspective hand research findings confirm some ‘classic’ guidelines from the fields of hand reading – more details inside the article:

Extraverts have wider palms, Introverts have longer fingers

PS. Beyond the confirmation of the classic hand-shape theory (including elements from Kretschmer & Sheldon’s somatotypes), one could also say that these results have a NATURAL PRINCIPLE incorporated; for, when people grow older the personality tends to develop more towards introversion and the hands get narrower and more slender!

What is your thought… 

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

November 17, 2012 at 10:56 pm

Hand signs for Extraversion / Introversion!

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A new study (2012) shows that the hands of ‘extroverts’ tend to vary signficantly from the hands of ‘introverts’. Those scoring high for Extraversion appear to have short fingers, a wider palm shape, and the ulnar (pinky) side of the hand appears to be more well developed. While introverts tend to have longer fingers, a narrower palm shape, and the radial (thumb) side of the hand tends to be more well developed.

The study also points out that it is quite impossible to recognize personality traits from just one hand characteristics: combining characteristics (in multiple hand dimensions) is essentail!

More details:

13 Hand signs in Extraversion / Introversion

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

October 15, 2012 at 4:10 pm