Palm Reading Perspectives

Multi-Perspective Palm Reading: About Hands & how to make a Hand-Diagnosis

Archive for November 2012

Hand shape & personality: extraverts have wider palms, introverts have longer fingers!

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Measurements on the hands of male and female extroverts indicate that wide palms + short fingers (typical for a ‘Fire hand shape’) is a typical combination seen in the hands of Extraverts (= high scorers on the Big Five personality dimension Extraversion). And long fingers + narrow palms (typical for a ‘Water hand shape’) are much more often seen in the hands of Introverts (= low scorers).

Interestingly, these multiple-perspective hand research findings confirm some ‘classic’ guidelines from the fields of hand reading – more details inside the article:

Extraverts have wider palms, Introverts have longer fingers

PS. Beyond the confirmation of the classic hand-shape theory (including elements from Kretschmer & Sheldon’s somatotypes), one could also say that these results have a NATURAL PRINCIPLE incorporated; for, when people grow older the personality tends to develop more towards introversion and the hands get narrower and more slender!

What is your thought… 

Written by martijnvanmensvoort

November 17, 2012 at 10:56 pm